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Natural Remedies For Menstrual Cramp Relief

By Albert Deon at 2010-12-28 00:17:31

Finding natural remedies for menstrual cramps is an issues for most women at some time in their lives. This is because nearly all women at one point or another experience menstrual cramps to accompany their period. These are internal muscle spasms that are often uncomfortable, and in some cases, extremely painful.

According to a study published in 2007, these ancient Chinese herbs appear to be more effective for treating menstrual pain than common over-the-counter pain relievers
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Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

By Albert Deon at 2010-12-26 23:56:16
The symptoms of ovarian cancer can appear months before the cancer is found. Unless a woman is getting the tests that would reveal the cancer these symptoms many times wont be diagnosed. This alone is one of the problems with detecting ovarian cancer in its early stages. The symptoms of ovarian cancer are quite often dismissed due to the fact that they can be rather benign.

The ovaries are a part of the female reproductive system and they are located on each side of the uterus. Th
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Implantation Bleeding and Cramping

By Albert Deon at 2010-12-26 23:18:04
Each woman who is expecting to carry a baby wishes to identify the symptoms of implantation bleeding. This is because the symptoms are one of the factors that will let her know as to whether she is experiencing implantation bleeding or the menstrual cycle. Further, several women are hardly able to know as to whether the signs are of menstruation bleeding.

Many women tend to mistake implantation bleeding as period especially when the bleeding takes place near the date of the expec
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Various Back Pain Causes

By Albert Deon at 2010-12-26 23:12:04
There are many different causes of lower back pain, as almost any segment of the spine can be damaged and give rise to pain. Disorders of other parts of the body, particularly the lungs, kidneys and female reproductive organs can also cause backache. Most back pain is neither severe nor life-threatening, and can be treated adequately at home.

Accordingly, then the structural deformities of the involved vertebrae can cause the spinal canal to be narrower, thus impacting the spinal
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Back Stretching Exercises

By Albert Deon at 2010-12-24 23:01:14
Back stretches are probably the most commonly used tool in back pain relief. You may have seen many different types of back stretches over your travels, yet found most to be less effective than you like.

Even with acute pain or after surgery stretching helps to rebuild strength. However special care is needed while performing any lower back stretches. Stretching should be done gently, without bouncing. Stretch relatively slowly, to the point of discomfort and just a little bit be
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