What can you do about pimples on your chest? Can you do anything about them? When you think of zits you picture them being on your face and neck; however, truth is, they can often times appear other places as well.
Over the counter topical medicines are good for when you have a pimple, break out. Clean the infected area with warm soap and water, apply a toner with a cotton ball and then proceed to rub on a topical ointment and let dry. Repeat the process until the pimple goes away.
The one thing you should never do is pop a pimple. This will only spread the infection and leave you with a red, swollen scab which isn't very nice to look at either.
Keep away from oily and piquant foods as much as you can. Just attach on eating nutrients as this will be extremely helpful for you to reduce inflammation and irritation occurred due to spots.
There is absolutely no need to continue being embarrassed about taking off your shirt at the beach or worried about someone not wanting to get close to you because of your acne.One thing that is very important to remember is that acne on the face and acne on the chest are two different problems and need two different solutions.
It becomes worse during summer. Men who wear sport gears which cause friction on the skin are prone to pimples on the chest. Women who wear bras where the bra straps and the elastic support band rub against the skin are not spared from chest acne. So, how do you prevent it?
There are no significant changes in the numbers of pimples on the backs and chests of the participants in each of the 3 groups. Most people and even doctors believe sweating will result in more pimples. This result disproves the acne myth that sweating will lead to the formations of more pimples. Now you will not be able to use acne as an excuse for not wanting to exercise.
All men have to shave, but what all men do not have do, is shave incorrectly. To avoid skin conditions developing then the process of shaving has to be done with pristine care. You need to soften your beard/moustache before shaving with warm soapy water to avoid nicking pimples. Also, consider using a safety razor or electric razor.
If what you have is a mild form of chest acne, also referred to as 'zits', you're probably in luck. Chest acne that is still in its initial stages is usually easier to treat. You also don't need to worry about the type and number of treatments available for chest acne because there are many options you can choose from, depending on the severity of your condition.
Make sure to wash your clothes regularly as well. The chest area is much less sensitive that other acne-prone areas like the face so you'll be able to use stronger soaps to help combat it.
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