One of the greatest things about vitamins is that they can be taken in both pill and liquid form. Experts in nutrition consider liquid vitamins to be a remarkable breakthrough in the domain. This is one of the reasons which may explain the lately outburst of liquid supplement advertising.
The C Vitamin contained by this liquid it is very important in the collagen forming process, the protein that gives structure to bones and cartilage. It is also an antioxidant vitamin.
On the other end of the spectrum, though, there are companies that manufacture highly sophisticated supplements, often referred to as nutraceuticals. These companies can use extremely expensive all natural, potent ingredients and excipients.
Many sellers of liquid vitamins will often extol the virtues of enzymes and claim their products harbor all of the beneficial enzymes that you need.
In short, these cheap supplemements and liquid vitamin supplements are simply drank as is, or mixed with water or juice before imbibing. They then enter the stomach where the vast majority of the active nutrients are destroyed.
According to a few recent researches, it is suggested that the absorption rate of liquid vitamins is around 98% as compared to that of vitamin pills which is only 10 to 20%. This is because liquid vitamins bypass the digestive process and get absorbed into the blood stream and into the cells. The rate of absorption however is highly debated among researchers.
Some companies produce vitamin supplement pills that are packed too densely, causing users to not absorb all the vitamins in the pill. Other liquid vitamin and mineral producers add water to their vitamin products, causing customers to pay more than it is worth, and not get the full amount of vitamins needed.
Most things are easier to use in liquid form. Vitamin C tablets are typically large and many people are not comfortable with the idea of swallowing it with water. As against this, liquid vitamin C is easy to take. To add to the using comfort, manufacturers are making it available in different flavors as well, to cater to different user preferences.
If you have young children, it can be almost impossible to get them to take the pill form of vitamins. The liquid forms are much easier to get children to take. They can be administered by dropper or medicine spoon. Most liquid forms are flavored so they don't taste bad to kids, but there are also unflavored versions available that can be added to drinks or food if necessary.
Vitamins are divided into two groups, the fat soluble vitamins and the water soluble vitamins. These are organic compounds that if deficient or in excess in the body, would result to diseases. Vitamins and minerals are found in the foods that you consume.
Wholesale distribution of liquid vitamins is easy and profitable. It does not necessarily have to start with large orders for distribution. Wholesale prices and large quantities help in boosting the sales of liquid vitamins in the market.
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