The frequency of oral cancers typically occurs in men and usually has a viral origin. Researchers at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas associate these HPV-associated oral cancers with oral sex. Some researchers suggest that Guardasil, the vaccine against HIV currently marketed primarily to women, might be effective in protecting men from oral cancer.
Unfortunately, most men who have HPV never develop any symptoms. In the rare cases where they do develop symptoms, it is typically in the form of genital warts. While these warts will go away on their own, most men search for some form of treatment either in the form of a daily HPV supplement or a topical wart cream to speed-up the process.
The virus is spread through skin-to-skin sexual contact. It can be during vaginal, anal or even in rare instances, oral sex. A condom offers more protection, but not enough in most cases because there are still uncovered areas of the genitals that can become infected.
While you might think this is simply an issue that is easily treated, it can also lead to serious health issues down the road. Then of course there are different versions that only produce genital warts. Unfortunately this is the best result, because there are some HPV types that develop into anal or penile cancer. It's just important that there is a difference.
But the good news is that the vast majority of the 250 recognised strains of HPV cause no symptoms, signs or illness and our immune system works to destroy the infection with no side effects. However, medical researchers have isolated 15 strains of the virus that can lead to serious health risks.
We have to remember that there is no HPV treatment but only for the infections that shows on the body. These treatments are also temporary since the symptoms will continue to appear at different period of times. Once the virus has entered the body, there is no way we can remove it.
There are at least thirty of these strains that can put a teenager at risk for serious medical conditions, such as cancer. Both male and females teenagers who are sexually active can contract HPV. If you are a parent of a teenager, it is important that you educate them on this potentially serious medical condition.
Women will find these around the anus, on the opening of the cervix, as well as in and out of the vagina. While there are rare cases of finding warts in the throat or mouth, men usually see them on the shaft, the tip of the penis, around the anus, or the scrotum.
These girls are in school and were supposed to be targeted before they became sexually active. Girls in this age group are in school and the onus for implementing school vaccinations rests on state legislatures and their respective health departments.
In fact, most people with low-risk types of genital HPV never know they are infected because they don't get warts or any other symptom.
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