Now I must admit that because I'm so used to actual toothpaste with the minty-fresh flavor and the sweetness, it was a little bland using the soap by itself so she filled me in on her recipe for making minty, sweet tooth"paste" with just a few ingredients.
The toothpaste which I am about to instruct you in creating is far from that you would find in your local department store however it will serve as an emergency product if necessary and if used now could perhaps save you some hard earned money. It may not be a name brand product but you can bet it will clean your teeth just as well.
Instead, in it's place, are abrasive materials. These materials physically "sand" your teeth so that any discoloring particles, in theory, are scrubbed away. In actuality, this only goes so far, and most users with dark teeth will not get the results they like from whitening toothpaste alone.
May be you only have to deal with mild acne breakouts and you don't want to spend the money buying expensive commercial acne products; or, maybe you don't want to expose yourself to chemicals and risk negative side effects; or maybe you have tried all the commercially available acne treatment products but nothing seems to work for your acne problem.
Peroxide and baking soda paste. Mix 2 teaspoons of both hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to obtain a paste similar to the texture of toothpaste. You can give it a better flavor by adding a bit of mint or toothpaste. Apply this paste like you would regular toothpaste and leave it on for a few minutes. Use it no more than twice a week.
This one of the most common and recommended homemade acne remedy that most experts suggest. Is no wonder that so many people have used this remedy to end their blemishes. You basically apply a small amount of gel like toothpaste to the affected areas just before be and rinse it of in the morning. The toothpaste will reduce the swelling and get rid of the inflammation.
Fluoride prevents tooth cavities. But in the skin, fluoride typically causes more damage that it corrects. For example, medicals studies have reported that large does of fluoride could cause systemic poisoning. Though the amount of fluoride in tooth paste is less than one percent you may not want predispose yourself to risk.
The first thing that you need for this treatment is fresh lemons. Once you have a lemon, all that you need off of it is the skin. The skin off of the lemon will do wonders for your face. All that you need to do is to take the skin of a lemon and some warm water, and wash your face. Wash your face with the lemon skin and let the juices dry and work for around thirty minutes. Then you can rinse it off gently with warm water. Just be sure that with any face wash you are gentle.
Read about increase sperm count and also read asparagus and also read conmax serum
Read about increase sperm count and also read weak erection |